Hunting Boots Buying Guide

Hunting Boots Buying Guide

It is important to ensure that your body is well care for when you go hunting. The right boots and clothing are a must for an enhanced camping experience. Having reliable and dependable hunting boots plays a huge part in pushing the limits of your endurance while out...

Five Hunting Tips for Your Next Excursion

Five Hunting Tips for Your Next Excursion

Hunting is one of the best and most competitive activities you can take up. Depending on your preference, you can hunt for various reasons such as sports, as a pass time, or for getting food. Whatever the reason, you’re likely seeking to become the best hunter you can...

Trap And Skeet Shooting, What Are the Differences?

Trap And Skeet Shooting, What Are the Differences?

Trap and skeet shooting are some of the terms that you may come across while learning about clay target shooting. Clay target shooting, which involves shooting flying clay targets with a shotgun, is divided into two main types (disciplines); namely trap and skeet....

The Basics of Trap Shooting

The Basics of Trap Shooting

If you have been thinking about trap shooting, then we’ve got a few things you need to know. This is a rhythm and focus game where you need to be prepared in advance. You must first educate yourself before going out and shooting on targets. Additionally, there’s some...

Four Hunting Air Pistols You Should Consider

Four Hunting Air Pistols You Should Consider

Air pistols are excellent gears to help you learn the basics of using firearms. If you love hunting, an air pistol is a preferable weapon to help you become an effective hunter while on the ground, plus it is great at hitting the target. Finding the best air pistol...

The Ultimate Hunting Clothing Buying Guide

The Ultimate Hunting Clothing Buying Guide

Hunting clothing is one of the requirements you need when hunting.  Having the right hunting clothes makes you comfortable for a long time. However, the hunting clothes you use will depend on the environment and the season. Here is a hunting clothing guide to help you...

The Basics of Clay Target Shooting

The Basics of Clay Target Shooting

Clay target shooting is a fun, exciting and challenging sport that involves flying clay targets, where the shooter uses a shotgun to aim and shoot at them. It is a sport that calls for the combination of skill, timing and hand-eye coordination and this is what makes...