Indian Motocycle Company
March 20, 2023

What is the first spelling of the Indian Motorcycles name.. How about Indian Motocycle (not Motorcycle). It was changed from initially , The Hendee Manufacturing Company to the Indian Motocycle Company in 1923. Then also the Sturgus Motorcycle Rally (Race) was Called the Black Hills Classic. , which as most motorcyclists’ know as the world’s largest motorcycle rally. Over the years Indian contributes to two world wars being WWI and WWII. Subsequently both Indian and Harley produced shaft drive motorcycles. This probably was the result of the sand in the desert of North Africa being extremely hard on chains, resulting in a very short chain life and a frequent chain and drive and driven sprocket replacement. The Indian motorcycle was utilized by both American and French troops. Haven’t which of my areas that I’ll focus on for tidbits of information or just plain trivia next.

Inadvertently over the years that Indian Motorcycle Company was in business as the original founded by Mt. Hendee ad Mr. Hedstrom a big rivalry was established between the Indian Company and the Harley/ Davidson Company with motorcycle racing of many types and styles was eschewed by both companies. Several were the classic Dirt Track type, Hill Climbing and Board Track Racing. Just in case some people don’t know what Board Track Racing is, well it’s a oval track made up of wooden boards that are arranged so as to make a oval track where the racers go around the track from a flat climbing up on the boards as they increased in speed until they were horizontal with the ground. In other words they were pinned against the side of the track with speed keeping the force to keep each motorcycle in a horizontal position. Only by decreasing their speed or in case of an accident to bringing rider and motorcycle to the bottom of the track. Of course over the early years of motorcycles many names had sprung up some whereas over a hundred companies made motorcycles. One such name was familiar to a good number of people being the Schwinn Bicycle Company which owned the Henderson Motorcycle Company at one time in the bicycles companies’ history. One can only imagine the very dangerous aspects of racing on a board track. ? More on motorcycle in my next blog or maybe another of my sections, with a little history or personal adventures.?

Thank You for reading, This is Arthur of Arthur’sAttic.